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Global Islami Bank || Probationary Officer (10-02-2024) || 2024

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Environmental responsibility is a crucial issue in the modern world, as human activities have caused significant damage to the natural resources and ecosystems. Some people argue that the best way to motivate individuals to act more sustainably is to enforce stricter laws and regulations that penalize harmful behaviors and reward eco-friendly ones. I partially agree with this view, as I believe that legal measures can be effective in some cases, but they are not sufficient to address the root causes of environmental problems.

One reason why I agree that stricter laws and regulations can encourage environmental responsibility is that they can create a sense of accountability and deterrence among individuals. For instance, if there are fines or sanctions for littering, polluting, or wasting energy, people may be more careful and conscious about their actions and their impacts on the environment. Moreover, laws and regulations can also incentivize positive behaviors, such as recycling, using renewable energy, or adopting green products. For example, some countries have implemented carbon taxes, subsidies, or credits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote clean energy sources.

 However, I disagree that stricter laws and regulations are the best way to encourage environmental responsibility, as I think that they have some limitations and drawbacks. First of all, laws and regulations may not be enough to change the underlying attitudes and values of individuals, which are often influenced by social, cultural, and psychological factors. For example, some people may not care about the environment, or may have a sense of entitlement, indifference, or fatalism. Secondly, laws and regulations may also face challenges in implementation and enforcement, such as corruption, loopholes, or resistance. For example, some industries or groups may lobby against environmental policies, or find ways to evade or violate them.

In conclusion, I partially agree that stricter laws and regulations can encourage environmental responsibility, as they can create a framework of accountability and incentives for individuals. However, I also think that they are not the best solution, as they may not address the deeper issues of environmental awareness and ethics, and may encounter practical difficulties in application and compliance. Therefore, I believe that other approaches, such as education, awareness, and participation, are also needed to foster a culture of environmental responsibility among individuals.

4 months ago


Translate the following paragraph into English:

বাংলাদেশে পারচেজিং ম্যানেজারস ইনডেক্স (পিএমআই) নামে অর্থনীতির গতিশীলতা নির্ণয়ে নতুন একটি সূচক চালু হতে যাচ্ছে। এ সূচকের মাধ্যমে বোঝা যাবে, দেশের অর্থনীতি কতটা গতিশীল আছে। ফলে এ সূচকের অবস্থা দেখে ব্যবসায়ী, বিনিয়োগকারী ও নীতিনির্ধারকদের ব্যবসা-বাণিজ্য ও বিনিয়োগের সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ সহজ হবে। কৃষি, নির্মাণ, উৎপাদন ও পরিষেবা এই চার খাতের ৫০০টির বেশি বেসরকারি প্রতিষ্ঠানের নির্বাহীদের মতামতের ভিত্তিতে পিএমআই সূচক প্রকাশ করা হবে। পিএমআই সূচকটি শূন্য থেকে ১০০ নম্বরের মধ্যে পরিমাপ করা হবে। আগের মাসের তুলনায় স্কোর ৫০- এর বেশি হলে অর্থনীতির সম্প্রসারণ এবং স্কোর ৫০-এর নিচে হলে সংকোচন বোঝাবে। আর স্কোর ৫০ থাকলে বুঝতে হবে সংশ্লিষ্ট খাতে ওই মাসে কোনো পরিবর্তন হয়নি।

Created: 4 months ago | Updated: 4 months ago

To form a task force consisting of one member of X and one member of Y, you can use the concept of combinations. Since committee X has 4 members and committee Y has 5 members, you have choices for selecting one member from each committee.

The number of different task forces possible is the product of the number of ways you can choose one member from each committee.

Number of ways to choose one member from X = C(4, 1) = 4 (choose 1 from 4) Number of ways to choose one member from Y = C(5, 1) = 5 (choose 1 from 5)

Total number of different task forces = 4 (from X) * 5 (from Y) = 20

So, there are 20 different task forces possible.

4 months ago

Total value of initial configeration = 13 hamper × $12 = $156

Again total value of new configeration = 12 hamper × $13=$156

The value of gift certificates will not be changed.

Now Susan started with 13 hampers. Susan has 13 piece of $3 worth gift

Susan has 13 piece of $4 worth gift Susan has 13 piece of $5 worth gift Possible set {5, 5, 3} {4, 4, 5} , (3, 3, 3, 4) in which $5 contains in first two of them and the total

number is 13.

Now, let Susan creates

x hampers of {3, 3, 3, 4}

y hampers of {4,4,5}

And z hampers of {5, 5, 3}

Number of $3 gift will be, 3x + z =13.....(i)

Number of $4 gift will be, x + 2y =13.....(ii)

Number of $5 gift will be, y + 2z = 13 Now, multiplying equation (iii) by 2 and subtracting (ii) from (iii) we get , 

2y+4z=26 x+2y=13 -    -      - 4z-x=13...............(iv)

Again, multiplying equation (i) by 4 and subtracting equation (iv) from (i) we get 12x+4z=52 4z-x=1313x=39 x=3 Here, x is the number of gift hampers without $5 certificates. 3 gift hampers did not contain $5 gift certificates.

4 months ago